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FogClean System Manufacturer & Supplier in India | FogClean Systems For COVID-19


FogClean Inc. is a USA based company that manufactures industrial and commercial disinfectant systems. In view of the current world scenario with COVID-19, it is imperative that we offer safe, disinfected and clean environments to humans when they venture into unknown private and public spaces. These could be restaurants, theatres, hospitals, office buildings, factories, trains, buses, cars or any place one can think of. FogClean would like to present a solution to overcome your fears and get back to work with confidence. DPH Engineering is an authorized distributor of FogClean systems in India.

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FogClean systems utilize a proprietary, Ultrasonic Nozzle to atomize any liquid to droplets below 10um in size. When decreasing the droplets to sub-micron particles, the liquid converts to a fog-like substance, enabling you to quickly and efficiently sanitize large surface areas without any loss of potency in your disinfectant. The dry fog will also disinfect without leaving residue or liquid behind.

While disinfectants are usually designed to inactivate or destroy microorganisms and pathogens on inert surfaces, the ultrasonic nozzle’s method for fog distribution also addresses airborne pathogens. Dry Fog particles leave the nozzle electrostatically charged and small enough to attach to like size particles in the air.


Advantages of the System:

  • Creates small droplet sizes for better surface area coverage (sub 10um).
  • Droplet size allows for best contact with airborne pathogens.
  • No residue left behind on surfaces.
  • Creates electrostatically charged particles without the need for electronics or batteries.
  • It enables the user to control the droplet size via small regulation to achieve wetter or dryer fog.
  • Uses a minimal amount of solution to achieve coverage due to the smaller droplet sizes.

Available in FogClean Pro and FogClean Lite.

  • FogClean Pro

fogclean system suppliers

Industrial grade design with a robust control panel for heavy-duty applications.




  • FogClean Lite

fogclean system suppliers
Backpack style design for more portability with lighter duty control panel.





About FogClean System

  • FogClean systems produce smaller droplet sizes (sub 10um) compared to Electrostatic Sprayers (50-100um).  This ensures larger surface coverage using less disinfectant. It further provides the ability to sanitize without leaving residue behind.
  • FogClean systems also produce electrostatically charged droplets without the requirement of batteries or electronics.
  • FogClean systems have the ability to contact airborne pathogens or bacteria due to the droplet size of the fog.  Electrostatic sprayers droplet size would create airstreams around the airborne pathogens or bacteria preventing contact during the airborne suspension.

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